
Patented Treatment of Protection Easy Lunettes® Easy glasses against micro-scratches and dirty smudges for all kinds of glasses, touch screens, tablets and smartphones guarantees you :


Registered at the French National Industrial Property Institute, Easy Glasses works wonders by in-depth purification of all kinds of glasses, touch screens, tablets, phones and smartphones. It cleans up all the dirt lodged in the micro-pores !

Sustainable Protection

Easy Glasses Treatment protects against micro-scratches by creating a protecting film able to make glasses completely smooth, the way polish on a car body prevents dirt from sticking so easily and micro-scratches from appearing.

Cleanliness and comfort

To wear impeccable glasses is important!
For your own visual comfort because impeccable glasses mean total correction efficiency and less eye fatigue. Easy Glasses reduces eyestrain, certain headaches and may act as an excellent visual correction stabilizing factor.
For the image you project to people who judge you according to your neatness-first impressions and that includes your glasses, touch screens, tablets, phones and smartphones.

Super cost-effective

Easy Glasses immediately pays for itself because it is as economical as a cleaner sold in a shop.
Moreover, Easy Glasses will last longer your glasses since they will not get scratched as easily or become dull as before treatment.
So, you’ll change them less often !

What a great performance!

Huge Potential :

In France, over thirty million people wearing glasses and twenty million people wearing sunglasses, with zero direct competition !

So, contact us !!!

DIFFUS’EST, Fabricant Easy Lunettes®
73 rue d’Epinal, 88100 Saint-Dié, France
Tel +33 (0)3 29 56 33 46

© Tous droits réservés à - All rights reserved to DIFFUS'EST, Fabricant Easy Lunettes®
73 rue d'Epinal, 88100 Saint-Dié, France - Tel +33 (0)3 29 56 54 70
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